The Élan law has brought a legal definition to furnished tourist accommodation which comprise "furnished villas, houses, chalets, apartments or studios, and are for the exclusive use of the tenant, offered for rental to passing customers who do not choose to be domicile there and who stay for a pre-determined day, week or month rental ”. It requires a compulsory declaration at the town hall of all furnished tourist accommodation. However, it provides that the "private room" within a home is excluded from the definition of furnished tourism (C. tourisme, art. L. 324-1-1).
The decree therefore adapts the regulatory definition of this category of commerical tourist accommodation by excluding "part of such a furnished flat", that is to say, "an individual room with an inhabitant" (C. tourisme, art. OC 324-1). The text also brings Article D. 324-1-1 into line with the new wording of Article L. 324-1-1 of the Tourism Code. This article provides that all furnished tourist accommodation must be declared to the town hall. This is not the case for the "homestay (individual lodging) room". (Decree n ° 2019-1325 of 9 December 2019 amending articles D. 324-1 and D. 324-1-1 of the tourism code relating to the definition and procedures for declaring furnished tourist accommodation by teleservice published in the OJ of December 11, 2019)
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